Wire Mesh: The Basics

Wire mesh (also commonly referred to as wire cloth or wire fabric) is a metal material used in countless industries. From fencing to ventilation, it seems like it can do it all. But what exactly is wire mesh? Read on to find out more.

What is Wire Mesh?

Wire mesh is essentially a type of screen made from intersecting metal wires, which are used to form a grid of identically sized openings. Grid squares or rectangles can come in a wide range of sizes, depending on the wire diameter for the desired application. Wire mesh is extremely versatile and durable, making it ideal for countless uses in numerous industries. 

How is Wire Mesh Made?

Wire mesh can be made in one of two ways: by welding or weaving:

  • Welded Wire Mesh is constructed with a series of straightened wires stacked across each other forming a grid. An industrial welding machine fuses each intersection creating the exact opening required.
  • Woven Wire Mesh is crafted using industrial looms similar to those used with fabrics and may come in a variety of weaves and crimp types. This construction has wires that pass over & under each other forming a pattern.

Woven and welded mesh can be produced in specific sizes, making them available for large and small projects.

Types of Woven Wire Mesh

There are several weave styles of woven wire mesh. These include:

  • Plain Weave
  • Intercrimp Weave
  • Lock Crimp Weave
  • Flat Top Weave

And some finer materials use:

  • Plain Dutch
  • Twill Dutch
  • Reverse Dutch
  • Twill Weave

Wire Mesh can be woven in a variety of metals. Depending on your desired application, one weave type may be more suitable than the other. For example, a Lock Crimp weave consists of wires that are joined tightly to produce a sturdy piece of wire mesh, while an intercrimp weave is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The standard plain weave is typically the most common, finer material perfect for sizing & separation.

What is Wire Mesh Used For?

Wire mesh has a huge range of applications, though its most common uses are generally in wire cloth screens, filtration devices, and railing and fencing. The material is prevalent in countless industries, some of which include:

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Textiles
  • Plastics
  • Architectural
  • Mining
  • Automotive
  • Pharmaceuticals

Wire mesh can be used in everything from animal facilities to filters in wastewater treatment plants. Thanks to its extreme durability, it is often used over windows and stairwells as a security measure. Grills, fireplace screens and concrete reinforcement are other everyday uses of wire mesh. 

High-Quality Wire Mesh from Universal Wire Cloth Co.

Many industries count on wire mesh to get the job done. And whether you’re looking to fulfill a commercial or personal project, you deserve to use materials that are built to last. Contact Universal Wire Cloth for the high-quality wire mesh you need today.

Also please be sure to check out and subscribe to our Youtube channel. We will be posting a series of our wire mesh manufacturing styles occasionally.