Hardware Cloth vs. Chicken Wire: What’s the Difference?

Whether you’re building an animal enclosure or shoring up a fence, you have options when it comes to material. Hardware cloth and chicken wire are some of the most common choices, but how do the two stack up against each other? Read on to learn more about the differences between hardware cloth and chicken wire, and find out which one is right for you.

Chicken Wire vs. Hardware Cloth

Chicken wire is essentially a thin, steel wire twisted into a hexagonal pattern. It is highly flexible, making it ideal for numerous agricultural uses, and it is often used to create structures that keep chickens inside an enclosed space. 

Hardware cloth is a steel mesh material consisting of a rectangular grid that can be either woven or welded. Depending on your needs, this mesh is available in various widths, though openings are generally no larger than a one-inch opening. 

Hardware cloth and chicken wire differ in a few key ways. One easily identifiable difference is the size of their openings. While hardware cloth openings are typically a one-inch wide or smaller, chicken wire gaps can vary, with some as wide as two full inches. Additionally, while they are both made from steel, hardware cloth tends to be thicker and thus more durable.

Is Hardware Cloth Stronger Than Chicken Wire?

Strength is a crucial element to consider when choosing between chicken wire and hardware cloth. If your material is too flimsy, it can be easily knocked aside or ripped apart by unwanted intruders. This begs the question: is hardware cloth stronger than chicken wire?

The answer comes down to what is known as wire diameter or wire thickness. A thicker wire diameter indicates a stronger material; since hardware cloth has a thicker wire, it is much harder separate. In this sense, hardware cloth is much stronger than chicken wire.

The Right Choice for Animal Controls

Animals like mice, hawks or raccoons can be a major headache for chicken owners. Without the proper precautions, these pests can infiltrate your chicken enclosure and injure or kill your flock. Using suitable material for your enclosure is important to keep these intruders at bay. 

Overall, hardware cloth is widely regarded as the best choice for fencing. Its small mesh and thicker wires make it difficult for small predators to sneak through, while its galvanized properties make it extremely durable and resistant to penetration.

Hardware cloth’s usefulness extends beyond animal enclosures; any time you need to keep pests away, this material can do the trick. Visit Universal Wire Cloth Co. today for high-quality hardware cloth that will meet all of your needs. 

Wire Mesh can be woven in a variety of materials. Depending on your desired application, one weave type may be more suitable than the other. For example, a Lock Crimp weave consists of wires that are joined tightly to produce a sturdy piece of wire mesh, while an intercrimp weave is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The standard plain weave is typically the most common, finer material perfect for sizing & separation.

What is Wire Mesh Used For?

Wire mesh has a huge range of applications, though its most common uses are generally in wire cloth screens, filtration devices, and railing and fencing. The material is prevalent in countless industries, some of which include:

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Textiles
  • Plastics
  • Architectural
  • Mining
  • Automotive
  • Pharmaceuticals

Wire mesh can be used in everything from animal facilities to filters in wastewater treatment plants. Thanks to its extreme durability, it is often used over windows and stairwells as a security measure. Grills, fireplace screens and concrete reinforcement are other everyday uses of wire mesh. 

High-Quality Wire Mesh from Universal Wire Cloth Co.

Many industries count on wire mesh to get the job done. And whether you’re looking to fulfill a commercial or personal project, you deserve to use materials that are built to last. Contact Universal Wire Cloth for the high-quality wire mesh you need today.

Also please be sure to check out and subscribe to our Youtube channel. We will be posting a series of our wire mesh manufacturing styles occasionally.